Matthew & Jill's Photograph Gallery

Our Photograph Gallery through Catholic Christian Life

Nerd Dinner  - The Jim Style of Heavy Camera Photography
Nerd Dinner Recap Photos PADNUG - July 28, 2004
Keywords: Nerd Dinner PADNUG

Nerd Dinner - The Jim Style of Heavy Camera Photography

Nerd Dinner Recap Photos PADNUG - July 28, 2004

Nerd_Dinner__-_Jims_Style_of_Heavy_Camera_Photography_Take_Two.jpg Nerd_Dinner__-_Best_Shot_of_the_Night_goes_to_Rich_Claussen.jpg Nerd_Dinner__-_Only_Jim_notices_that_this_25might25_be_a_good_shot.jpg Nerd_Dinner__-_The_Jim_Style_of_Heavy_Camera_Photography.jpg JimBlizzards_NPD.jpg
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Download:Fullsize download for registered users only! Please, Register or login
Album name:mklump / Nerd Dinner Recap Photos - July 28, 2004
Keywords:Nerd / Dinner / PADNUG
Filesize:1328 KiB
Date added:Jun 15, 2021
Dimensions:3000 x 2000 pixels
Displayed:84 times
EXIF Image Height:2000 pixels
FlashPix Version:version 1.01
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:0 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Datum Point
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